Getting Started


  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • ObjC 2.0
  • iOS 10.0 or later
  • macOS 10.11 or later


AssimpKit is Carthage compatible.

To install with Carthage, follow the instructions on Carthage.

Your application Cartfile should have the following entry for AssimpKit:

github "dmsurti/AssimpKit"

After carthage update, add the appropriate platform framework (iOS, macOS) to your project. The frameworks are placed in iOS and Mac subdirectories under the Carthage/Build directory of your project.

Important Build Setting for iOS applications only

If you are developing an iOS application, set the Enable Bitcode under Build Settings->Build Options of your target to NO.

API Overview

Table below lists the important clasess in AssimpKit.

Class/Category Description
SCNScene(AssimpImport) The container for all SceneKit content, loaded with assimp.
SCNNode(AssimpImport) The node category to add animation to a node.

You can use the AssimpImport category defined on SCNScene to load scenes. The post processing steps that the assimp library can apply to the imported data are listed at AssimpKitPostProcessSteps.

The imported SCNAssimpScene contains a model SCNScene which represents the 3D model and the skeleton if it contains one, in addition to the array of animations each represented by an SCNScene object. The SCNAssimpScene also contains the key names for the animations which can be used when adding, removing animations.

The AssimpImport category defined on SCNScene and SCNNode also contain a method to add a skeltal animation.

For more information, refer to the Tutorial.